The Photography Archive
Do you have an old photograph you would like restored, fixed, touched up or just simply scanned.
We can do that!
Photo Donations
Have a collection of negatives or old photographs and don’t know what to do with them?
We’d love to add them to the archive!
Would your family enjoy being part of a photography & storytelling video series?
Let us know!
The Kahnawà:ke Photography Archive is a large collection of photographs dating back to 1905.

Portraiture - Modelling Head Shots - Product Photography - Candid Sessions - Holiday Scenes - And More

The Polaroid Project
A community project showcasing life in Kahnawà:ke through the eyes of Kahnawakeró:non.
1 Camera. 10 Photos.

Video Productions
Storytelling within the community.
By The Seaway
A photography project of Kahnawà:ke by Scott Berwick

Supported By
Kahnawà:ke Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services strives for a strong collective future for Kahnawà:ke by promoting and supporting a healthy family unit.
TD Bank Group
As part of our goal to help people feel a sense of belonging in their communities, TD supports Arts and Culture events, initiatives and organizations across North America that amplify diverse voices.