Kanien’kéha Ratiwennahní:rats

A 2-year Adult Language Immersion Program offered by the Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center


Starting in 2002, the Kanien’kéha Ratiwennahní:rats Adult Immersion Program has offered community members an opportunity to reconnect to their language and culture. 

As one of our key educational endeavors,
Kanien’kéha Ratiwennahní:rats has proved to be an effective endeavor to revitalize the Kanien’kéha language in Kahnawà:ke.

Our First Language Speakers

Instructors, Elders and Language Advocates.

Course Goal

The goal of the Kanien’kéha Ratiwennahní:rats Adult Immersion Program is to provide a creative, engaging, and culturally rich experience geared toward fostering the advancement of spoken language proficiency, empowering community to participate and contribute to the maintenance and vitality of Onkwehonwehnéha.

  • Total Immersion in Target Language, Onkwehonwehnéha

  • Performance based curriculum reflecting the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, ACTFL, Proficiency benchmarks

  • Accelerated Second Language Acquisition, ASLA

  • Grammar Based Instruction

  • The course contains both instructor-led presentations, practical hands-on exercises, and out of class activities.

  • The practical hands-on exercises and out of class activities are all structured to give students the opportunity to put into practice the acquired language covered during the instructor-led sessions.

  • The course accommodates various learning styles through both traditional language learning methods as well as new and emerging second language acquisition methodologies.

Course Methodology

Kanien’kéha Ratiwennahní:rats Adult Language Immersion Program, the students will have acquired the following:

1. An increased oral proficiency of three (3) levels or higher than individual OPI assessment.

2. An increased knowledge of traditional cultural teachings and history.

3. An enhanced knowledge of the grammatical structure, i.e. Syntax, Morphology, Semantics and Phonology.

Upon Completion



The Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center offers admission to:

Those applicants who have the highest potential for successful completion of the program.
Who are most likely to contribute substantially to their language learning experience.

KORLCC encourages applications from students who possess the following qualities:

Dedication and willingness to learn Kanien’kéha.
Strong study ethics.
Punctual and organized.
Respectful and mature.
Open-minded and a positive attitude.
Good interpersonal skills.
Self-directed learner and highly motivated.