Cultural Awareness Month 2025
Every April our community celebrates Tsi Niionkwarihó:ten and Onkwawén:na through
various cultural events throughout the month that promote our ways as Kanien’kehá:ka people.
Annually KORLCC organizes a community calendar with partner organizations and grassroots groups.
In addition to community events several organizations are hosting internal events for their staff and students.
KSCS will be hosting Kanien’kéha lunch and learn for staff,
Tsi Niionkwarihò:ten Tsitewaháhara'n Center will be having a Kanien’kéha scavenger hunt, Kanien’kéha Bingo and Kanien’kéha Morphology Class for their students and staff
Kahnawake Collective Impact will be having basket making class for their staff
Skatne Ionkwaweientehta’onhatie will be launching an Interemdiate Kanien’kéha Mentorship and Healing Program in April.
Niá:wen to all the community organizations who have contirbuted to this years calendar including KSCS, Tsi Niionkwarihò:ten Tsitewaháhara'n Center, Kahanwake Youth Center, Kahnawake Collective Impact, K103, Ioriwa:se and the Eastern Door
Aionkwatakaritake: Sexual Health Fair KSS
For more information please contact
Tehontathró:ris: Introduction to Traditional Burials
For more information please contact
Kanien'kéha Crossfit Class
Please contact for more information
Understanding Traditional Protocols for Death and Burials
Understanding Traditional Protocols for Death and Burials
With Fran Beauvais and Darrell Thompson
6:00pm to 9:00pm
Mohawk Trail Longhouse
The presenters will be sharing their knowledge and experience of our traditional practices to help better understand our roles and responsibilities during this stage of life.
Open to Onkwehón:we 16 years and up.
Contact: Kahentókwas Montour / 450-632-5993 /

Understanding Traditional Death & Burial Protocols
With Fran Beauvais and Darrell Thompson
Location: Mohawk Trail Longhouse
This will be a collaborative event between the Tsi Niionkwarihò:ten Tsitewaháhara’n Program and the KSCS Tsi Niionkwarihò:ten Program.

Event: Tehontatro:ris.
Returning to The Land: Restoring Balance Between Two Worlds.
Date: April 25th @ 10-12 pm
Location: KSCS Family Services Building
Topic: Land Based Men’s Group with Codey Martin and Chuck Barnett

Understanding Traditional Death & Burial Protocols
With Fran Beauvais and Darrell Thompson
Location: Mohawk Trail Longhouse
This will be a collaborative event between the Tsi Niionkwarihò:ten Tsitewaháhara’n Program and the KSCS Tsi Niionkwarihò:ten Program.
Kanien'kéha Radio Show
An all Kanien’kéha Talk Show with hosts Warisó:se Bush, Leo Diabo and Wahiakeron Gilbert broadcasted live every Wednesday from 12:00pm-1:00pm on K103.7FM.
Uploaded weekly to KORLCC’s Soundcloud.
The History of Saint-Nicolas Island and the Western Boundary of Kahnawà:ke
Historical Presentation with Daniel Rueck at KORLCC
Kanien'kéha Radio Show
An all Kanien’kéha Talk Show with hosts Warisó:se Bush, Leo Diabo and Wahiakeron Gilbert broadcasted live every Wednesday from 12:00pm-1:00pm on K103.7FM.
Uploaded weekly to KORLCC’s Soundcloud.

Tsi Niionkwariho’ténhne - Our Past Cultural Practices
Tsi Niionkwariho’ténhne - Our Past Cultural Practices
With Darrell Thompson
Mohawk Trail Longhouse
This is a collaborative event between the Tsi Niionkwarihò:ten Tsitewaháhara’n Program and Kahnawà:ke Collective Impact